Adolescent Health Symposium 2013

Thanks for your participation and insights at Friday’s Adolescent Health Symposium put on by the UW Oshkosh Office of Continuing Education and Extension, in cooperation with UW-La Crosse’s Department of Health Education and Health Promotion and Community Health, Continuing Education and Extension, and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

I really enjoyed all of the insights and suggestions discussed at the end of each workshop!

If you are interested in using any of the materials I presented, please feel free to click on the following link to download my powerpoint.  *Please note* that I’ve added a list of resources to the end of the presentation as well as some recommendations for directing families on how to provide meaningful support to their LGBTQ youth.

And don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or help with capacity building at your organization.  If I’m not the best person for your needs, it’s likely I know someone who is!

2013 Youth Health Symposium Slides to Share

Also, here are copies of some of the research reports I cited:

The original CDC 2001-2009 Nationwide report:  CDC same vs het across the US

The Wisconsin-specific findings:  Wi Sexual Behavior Data 2009 YRBS

The Anchorage LGBT Discrimination Survey: Anchorage LGBT survey

The National Transgender Discrimination Survey: Injustice at Every Turn

1 thought on “Adolescent Health Symposium 2013

  1. Your presentation was very informative and practical. It gives School Health Teachers / Advocates tools to further their goals for Health Education lessons and skills to truly be an inclusive learning community. Thank You…Randy Green / Franklin Middle School / Janesville, Wisconsin.

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